"We need to become involved with it as if our lives depended on it because really, in truth, they do." — Anne Braden
"This is precisely the time when artists go to work. There is no time for despair, no place for self-pity, no need for silence, no room for fear." —Toni Morrison
Drawn from our Toolkit, the following prompts are intended to provoke creative process and internal personal work for white artists who hope to use their gifts and platforms to encourage white people to take action against racism. Please download the Toolkit for more prompts, tips, political framing, and suggested resources.
I feel in my power to be bold for racial justice when ________.
I move from shame, guilt, or denial to responsibility by ________.
What would it be like to be a white person in a world free of white supremacy?
Read SURJ’s values. What do they look like, sound like, feel like in action?
What did my people lose in becoming white?
What do I owe to my ancestors?
What do I owe to future generations?